Howdy! - Actually we never heard anyone say that. Nor did we see anyone wearing a cowboy hat, never saw a horse or a corral. In fact, outside of our hotel room and Dr. Tennant's Office Building, we didn't see much at all of Dallas. We literally spent all our time with Dr. Tennant and his staff!
They were wonderful people with hearts as big as their state who took to Samantha like she was their own daughter. Three of the key ladies were moms themselves and they related to me and my sister, "doin' whatcha gotta do" when it comes to your kids. And nothing was too much to ask of them.
Women, who are mothers, can be different in every external way and from vastly different places, but the love we have for our children, binds us together in a very powerful way. My heart will be forever grateful to Tiffany Vara, Abby's mom, for sharing this information with me.
I've spent hundreds of hours this last 10 months on the internet searching the world for information on products & treatments that could help Samantha recover from her brain injury. And thousands of websites have come up but not one told me about energetic medicine or integrative medicine until I learned those terms and keyed them in myself.
Integrative Medicine has become widespread with Scripps in La Jolla opening their own Center for Integrative Medicine in 1999. Stanford also has a department of Integrative Medicine. It encompasses any number of treatments that are outside of the Western or Traditional Medicine. Like Acupuncture as an example. It also focuses more on natural healing rather than a pharmaceutical approach. Using diet, exercise, vitamin and mineral supplements, relaxation and recreational therapies as an overall approach to wellness. ALL the things we all know are absolute fact in keeping our bodies healthy....nothing too new here.
Energetic Medicine is the practice of using energy or the flow of energy within the body as a healing factor. It is one of the oldest forms of healing, documented in The Yellow Emperors Book of Internal Medicine over 4000 years ago. Dr. Tennant, with 30 years of medical practice, is a very scientific mind as well as a father himself. He is actually the inventor of a device he calls the "Tennant Biomodulator" that uses a technology developed by the Russians (Scenar) and biofeedback to help the body re-energize low or degenerative cells.
They were wonderful people with hearts as big as their state who took to Samantha like she was their own daughter. Three of the key ladies were moms themselves and they related to me and my sister, "doin' whatcha gotta do" when it comes to your kids. And nothing was too much to ask of them.
Women, who are mothers, can be different in every external way and from vastly different places, but the love we have for our children, binds us together in a very powerful way. My heart will be forever grateful to Tiffany Vara, Abby's mom, for sharing this information with me.
I've spent hundreds of hours this last 10 months on the internet searching the world for information on products & treatments that could help Samantha recover from her brain injury. And thousands of websites have come up but not one told me about energetic medicine or integrative medicine until I learned those terms and keyed them in myself.
Integrative Medicine has become widespread with Scripps in La Jolla opening their own Center for Integrative Medicine in 1999. Stanford also has a department of Integrative Medicine. It encompasses any number of treatments that are outside of the Western or Traditional Medicine. Like Acupuncture as an example. It also focuses more on natural healing rather than a pharmaceutical approach. Using diet, exercise, vitamin and mineral supplements, relaxation and recreational therapies as an overall approach to wellness. ALL the things we all know are absolute fact in keeping our bodies healthy....nothing too new here.
Energetic Medicine is the practice of using energy or the flow of energy within the body as a healing factor. It is one of the oldest forms of healing, documented in The Yellow Emperors Book of Internal Medicine over 4000 years ago. Dr. Tennant, with 30 years of medical practice, is a very scientific mind as well as a father himself. He is actually the inventor of a device he calls the "Tennant Biomodulator" that uses a technology developed by the Russians (Scenar) and biofeedback to help the body re-energize low or degenerative cells.